Nothing like cutting down a tree outside and a roaming horde of around 12 zombies comes walking up on you. This game has the feel of Minecraft but an Adult-Horror twist to it, but without the actual stupidity of Minecraft.
Being a day 1 backer and trying out almost every aspect of the game that there is, the things you can do are limitless, you can literally do anything imaginable as long as it's in the bounds of actual reality, which means you can't build something or do something that is not relatable to real life. The amount of bugs from when the game was released and now is inconceivable and most of these people were not around for the log-in to the game and insta-crashing. The game is actually outstanding in it's present state.
Since I've just now hit my 1,000 hour mark I think it's time for a proper review. By Chris Reeves null reviewed on June 28, 2018Īlright here goes nothing, A lot of the reviews on this page are going to come from people who barely if I might add, have maybe at the most 5 hours o f game-play time.